Runtime Approx. 1 Hour 06 Minutes (60MB) 128kbpsLos Angeles Radio
KROQ January 1979 Interview with Young Superman and Jimmy Olson
Brent Kahlen interviews Jeff East and Marc McClure when they stop into the KROQ studio to discuss the new Superman movie and take phone in questions from the listening audience.
Where did they get the Mr. Rogers interview they played around an hour into this tape?
Hello Anonymous,
I listened to this tape as I was converting it to digital and I debated on cutting out the Mr. Rogers portion but decided to leave it alone. It sounds to me I was playing with the knob on the receiver and captured a couple of different broadcasts on one cassette. I have a very good memory but this was almost thirty years ago and I didn't document what had taken place. I'm guessing Mr. Rogers was experimenting with drugs, alcohol or none at all. Needless to say I don't think I'd leave him alone with anyones kids, oops, too late. VERY WEIRD!
I think the Mr. Rogers interview was probably on an NPR station, since he mentions the guy's name is Keith Talbot, and he did interviews for NPR in the late 70's: http://thirdcoastfestival.org/behind_scenes_ocean.asp
I lived in Downey, CA, for the first 3 months of 1979 and remember going to see "Superman" in the theater when I was there.
That movie opened on December 15, 1978, according to Wikipedia.
During the interview, the guys are talking about future events they have scheduled. While they never mention any particular month, they do refer to specifically something they were set to do on "Friday the 12th". The only 2 months in 1979 which had a Friday, the 12th, were January and October.
I'd rule out October because the kind of interest in "Superman" demonstrated in that interview would have waned considerably by that time.
Based on this, I believe this tape was recorded sometime between January 1 and January 11, 1979.
An index for this recording:
Interview Segment #1 - Jeff East & Marc McClure of "Superman: The Movie"
George Thorogood & The Destroyers, "Cocaine Blues" (1978)
The Doors, "Maggie M'Gill" (1970)
Interview Segment #2 - Jeff East & Marc McClure of "Superman: The Movie"
Bob Dylan, "Señor (Tales of Yankee Power)" (1978)
Talking Heads, "Found A Job" (1978)
Interview Segment #3 - Jeff East & Marc McClure of "Superman: The Movie"
Althia & Donna, "Uptown Top Ranking" (1978)
Pat Travers, "Life In London" (1977)
The Jam, "In The City" (1977)
The Jam, "All Mod Cons" (1978)
?, "Soul Twist"
Phil Manzanera, "Listen Now" (1977)
Paul McCartney & Wings, "Jet" (1973)
Devo, "Shrivel-Up" (1978)
The Steve Miller Band, "Overdrive" (1968)
So far I have been unable to identify the artist for "Soul Twist". After it plays, Dusty gives only the title.
Awesome of you to take the time to do this. Correct me if I'm wrong I think Soul Twist is Mink Deville.
You're welcome. :) Indexing these tapes is like putting together a fun puzzle. I thought KROQ of the 80s was tough... I've been a rock fan for decades and own over 3,000 CDs and after all this time, KROQ even in the 70s seriously challenges me in trying to identify who and what they played!
And yes, you're right. "Soul Twist" is by Mink Deville. I listened to the sample of it over at Amazon.com to confirm it. Dunno why that was so impossible for me to find the first time around. Thanks!
Hey Riff
More please!!
TRying to find your new post bu it says it is not there. Any Help?
Curty RAy
Can I just say this is one of the net's greatest public services to date. Enjoying these immensely. Now if I can only figure out how to break these up into tracks so that they are indexed . . . cant wait to hear more ROTR. Never knew that Frazier Smith had such a new wave/punk background. I just knew him from the KLOS years and his guest shot on the White Shadow.
Thank You x 1000 for posting these old KROQ / Rodeny shows. Like another of your readers, I found you via looking for the old original 'Decry- Falling' that Rodney used to play, but you've given me so much more than that. You let me go back in time to a great time in my life and listen to these old shows. THANK YOU! Please post more!!!
Hey all! Timmy had stopped by the Portal and commented which is what brought me here.
Good golly. Talk about a flood of distant memories. KROQ, KMET, Frazier Smith (Shecky get the jet - Too Hip Gotta Go)
I still remember the day I got up to go to work and the Mighty Met was the WAVE. Urrghhhh! Remember KWEST or Pirate Radio? Man those where the days.
Here is a memento I dug out of the box of goodies. When Frazier Smith was over at KLOS doing the morning slot.
If you didn't have this you weren't jack. Discounts to Fraziers Nightclub act at the Roxy and on and on.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane and these great tapes. :O
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