Runtime Approx. 30 Minutes (30MB) 128kbps
Los Angeles Radio
Los Angeles Radio
KNX Memorial Day, 1982 I found this cassette in the box and wondered why I saved it. KNX is an AM all news station in Los Angeles. After listening to the cassette (only one side of a C60) I discovered at about 10 minutes into the program there is a brief interview with Exene and John Doe of X before they play at the Greek Theatre in LA. Anyhow, thought I would post it because besides the X interview it has current news and commercials of the era. Bill Keene was my traffic savior!
The real date of this tape is Tue 6/15/82. The sports report tells it all. All three baseball games mentioned took place on that date. Further research on the web shows that X played at The Greek with The Plugz on the following Sunday, 6/20. I enjoyed hearing this little snapshot of life in L.A. and around the world.
Hi All! I would like to know how to listen to these files? any help
thanks alot
I love the sound of the typewriters in the background
are these free downloads? I would love to listen.
Tom, These are free downloads. I captured these radio shows almost 30 years ago onto cassette tapes that I have hung onto. I have posted them onto a popular service called Megaupload and I am not requesting nor do I anticipate any sort of payment from anyone. As I have stated I have posted these shows because not only are they enjoyable but historical. Download them all and enjoy. Once again, anybody got a problem with this then let me know, I'll remove them.
I also get a kick out of the sound of typewriters in the background. Thank you!
Where have you been? I miss your broadcast tapes. Hope you decide to come back.
Do you know where I can find tapes from the early 1970s?
The only good thing about L.A. in the 80's was KROQ fm. The music was so fresh, the lifestyle was so much fun and the Lords of Music were the DJ's, they were so original back then, so much different from the robots that invade the airwaves now. I am so glad I was part of it back then and thank God TOM had the idea to record all this, so thanks TOM for having captured history on magnetic tapes.
Thanks Anonymous but who is TOM?
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